Sunday, 3 April 2011

Chapter 1: Georges Bank

     On a midwinter day off of the coast of Massachusetts, the crew of a mackerel schooner saw a bottle with a note in it. Since they were on Georges Bank, one of the most dangerous fishing grounds in the world, the bottle most likely contained important information about the condition of a ship. Once the crew fetched the bottle and read the note, they discovered that it came from a boat called the Falcon. This boat left for Gloucester a year ago and according to the note, was wrecked and no longer functional. With the boat a wreck, the man who wrote the note and the rest of the crew were doomed to face the recklessness of the powerful ocean.

     This chapter was exciting and a good introduction to the book, The Perfect Storm. It included the main setting (the ocean) and it also alluded to possible situations that might occur in the plot of this novel (used foreshadowing). It was clearly stated that Georges Bank is a very dangerous place and that the ocean is also very dangerous. This unpredictability of the ocean, sets the reader (me) up for possible problems that the mackerel schooner might encounter on its voyage through the ocean.

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