Sunday, 17 April 2011

Chapter 4: The Flemish Cap - Part 1

     The author tells the story of the decreasing swordfish population and of how the government had to put a cap on the total amount of fish that a boat can catch. This is quite relevant because the lower number of fish allowed to be caught means that the fishermen have less fish to sell. After this side note, the author returns to the original story of the Andrea Gail and its crew. The different areas of the ship are described and the living conditions of the crew are explained. Also, it is stated that fishing vessels often help other ships that are in need. This is done because the ships that offer their help expect that they will receive the same generosity if they require help themselves and it is not purely done out of kindness.

     This chapter brings the reader more into the setting of the Andrea Gail and helps them understand what it feels like to be on the ship. Personally, I have been on a ship and this chapter provided many descriptions that could be connected to my own experiences. In addition to providing details about the boat, this chapter also did an excellent job of showing the relationships that fellow fishermen share with one another, even if they belong to different crews.

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